Thursday, March 15, 2012

Meet Me At The Pool :)

Today is a hard day for me.  I am bombarded by distractions, concerns, deadlines and my heart is hurting today for people that are close to me and I can't fix them or their situation.  I feel helpless and heavy hearted.  So I go to the place I know best, when no one else understands. That place is Gods word and the feet of Jesus.  I would love to say that I get instant relief everytime, but thats just not true.  Sometimes I must Search out Gods word and Seek His presence before peace and understanding come.

Today while searching, the Holy Spirit brought me to the passage in John 5:1-8.  Its a passage about when Jesus went to Jersusalem for a feast and while there he was going by a pool named Bethesda.  There was a large number of disabled people there which included the blind, lame, and the paralyzed.  One particular man that was there had been an invalid for 38 years.  The passage states that when Jesus saw him there he asked him a question in verse 6 - "Do you want to get well?" I find it interesting that Jesus asked this man a question that would have obviously had been a huge YES! At least you would think thats what his answer would have been, but thats not what the man said.  This man gave Jesus an excuse.  Verse 7 states: "I have no one to help me into the pool when the water is stirred.  While I am trying to get in, someone else goes down ahead of me." While I think it would have been nice if someone had helped this gentleman into the pool, why did he not do everything within his power to get where healing could have occurred? Maybe moving a little closer everyday for 38 yrs could have gotten him to where he needed to be.

Then just when I start to criticize this man,  I am reminded of how my day is going, that I have such a heavy heart today.  I know that by moving a little closer to where healing can take place will change who I am in this moment.  However, my flesh is weary and that seems to decrease my motivation and determination.  A rut develops easily and if not quickly taken care of, settling for discouragement can be easier than fighting for a moment of being renewed. 

This passage goes on to say in verse 8 - "Then Jesus said to him, "Get up! Pick up your mat and walk".  Verse 9 - "At once the man was cured; he picked up his mat and walked."

I rejoice in the fact that Jesus saw this mans need and chose to respond and give him a new life.  His life had changed forever, nothing would be the same from this point on.  I am encouraged because even with the excuse of "other people" the man was given an opportunity to walk.  I am also reminded through this passage that God requires something from those of us that long to be healed, changed, restored and renewed.  This mans healing required that he admit what he needed and it required obedience.  If this man had not gotten up and picked up his mat and walked, I believe he would have died at that pool an invalid always longing but never receiving.  This story could have been very different.

Whatever you are dealing with today that has made you tired and weary, remember that you are not alone.  God is longing to touch you in the middle of your situation and give you the strength to walk through it.  However, it does not come without effort on your part.  Listen very closley to His voice.  He is the God of ALL wisdom.  He will instruct you on what to do, then all you need to do is be obedient and DO it!

Im praying today that no matter where you need guidence that you will seek His presence, His wisdom and be obedient.  There is no greater place to put your situation than in his hands.
God Bless


1 comment:

  1. OH, Becky. What a great post. I know that we serve a miraculous God, and He will meet us right where we are! I rejoice in the fact that on days where I lay in bed crying my heart out, he knows my ever burden, and He cares!

    I had no idea that you have a blog, but I look forward to going through your previous posts and following you from now on.
